Thursday, June 12, 2008

Benevolence Center, Bowl Catastrophe & Vienna

We did more of the same today for our usual assignments. This afternoon some of us worked in the benevolence center to prepare it for the students next week. They open up the benevolence center for one day each session. The students can come to pick up any clothing they might want from what is here, which isn't much. Most of the clothing is kept at the Indiana office. However, the primary item students come for is vitamins and medicine. We restocked the shelves and prepared it for next week. One of our team members from Indiana is a nurse so she re-organized everything a little better. I guess the vitamins for adults and children go the quickest. They also had someone who sold Avon donate a bunch of Avon products which we put out on the tables too and then they had some miscellaneous items.

Unfortunately, I had a slight catastrophe today. In my attempt to get some bowls out of the cupboard a bunch of them came toppling down. The miracle, nothing broke. The catastrophe, one of the long-term workers, Mrs. Virgin was standing right at the cupboard when one of the bowls hit her in the forehead. She had a nice red spot and then by dinner had a nice lump & bruised spot. I feel so bad, she keeps saying she's alright. I guess if I had broken all of the bowls they would have fired me for sure, hopefully Mrs. Virgin's forehead heals quickly. The bowls were stacked pretty high and when I went to pull out a stack the two stacks to the right of it just tipped right over, ugh!

Tomorrow is Vienna Day! Good thing, I think we all need some play time. Supposedly a lot of visitors are here for the Euro games, since Austria and Switzerland are hosting. I guess it cost 80 Euro to see a game, they do have some kind of practice earlier in the day which is like 7 Euro. I'm not sure if we'll get to see that, but we should be able to shop for Euro games souvenirs.


M&D said...

Wow - this is impressive! M&D

M&D said...

Poor, Mrs. Virtue! Bet those are the heavy ceramic type bowls! Bless your heart. I'm sure she's going to be o.k. and no one is going to fire you. You're a blessing to everyone you meet - maybe a little dangerous in this case - but your sweetness will make up for it! Love you, M&D