Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Service & Baden, Austria

This morning we had worship service with the students. It was an interesting experience since the Ukraine students led it and then what they said was translated to English. One time they had all of singing Amazing Grace in our own native tongue, which sounded neat. Then, they had those who knew English sing another song and then they sang it in Russian.

The service was a bit emotional at one point as the Uzbekistan students reported that one of their brothers had been arrested yesterday for professing his faith. We do not know yet what will happen to him. The neat part was one of the Uzbekistan students received his certificate today and he was very proud. He told us he comes from a very small village and did not have money to come, but God provided the way for him.

For communion, they broke actual bread, no crackers and had juice like usual. We then had a group picture afterwards. The funny part is they said if we wanted a group picture on our own camera to put them on the ledge, so there was this whole line of cameras.

After lunch we were able to go to a town called Baden, which is about 15 minutes from the Haus. It is a cute town with lots of pretty landscaping and walking paths. We had yummy ice-cream at Ice Peter ice-cream parlor. Jeff and Sandy both tried the Tiramisu and Sandy also tried the Banana. We saw the Beethoven house and walked through the Rose Garden.

1 comment:

M&D said...

How we take our right to worship for granted. And how casual we are at times about actually doing it! This trip of yours has made me think about a lot of things. How blessed we are. Thank you God.