Sunday, October 3, 2010

Food Services

Yesterday we had orientation for our areas and I'll be serving in Food Services. Apparently people get hungry around here, can't understand why. :) Well, after a little over 3hrs we went through two packets of instructions, a kitchen tour, and were given our first real food task, PPLs. Professionally Packed Lunches that were used today for our outing trip.

Tomorrow we will get put to work fully as all the students arrive tomorrow and we will have a lot of hungry people to feed. It's unusual for these students see foods other than soup. As long as we follow Chef Sunny's instructions we can't go wrong. We must be punctual as everything is scheduled at certain times so we have to have everything ready in time. It's very organized. We'll see how it goes. At least Faye gets to experience this fun with me. Jody is in Guest Services which is what I did last time. Jeff Z ad Jeff H both have Maintenance this time.

Sent from Sandy's iPhone

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