Monday, October 4, 2010

Chestnuts or Buckeyes, you decide

Along with the leaves, there are several trees that drop large pods with nuts inside. These have to be picked up before the mowers run over them, or there are nice roots growing next year. They call them chestnuts, but to me they look like buckeyes where I am from.

We spent the rest of the day trimming and mowing the grass on all the properties. It has been awhile since I have mowed any farther than an electrical cord could reach. Jeff Z. was on the gas trimmer, Terry ran the riding mower and I took care of the trimming work the big mower can't reach with the push mower. It pretty much took 5 or 6 hours to cover everything on the grounds and across the street.

I was able to spend some time with students from Uzbekistan, Romania, and Russia at lunch time today. One is a former student that is here as a Russian translator.

Tonight was the first night with almost a full count of students for dinner, so the dish room is running at full-speed and there is a noticeable increase in the amount of tubs filled with dishes.

After dinner, we had a time of introductions and prayer with all of the students and staff in the downstairs classroom that is used for meetings and worship. After the meeting we converted it into a classroom with tables for the students, professor and translator.

One full day down, many more to come.

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